Writing a Comprehensive Living Will

Pittsburgh Estate Planning Attorney Writes Comprehensive Living Wills For Clients

The estate planning law firm of DeRiso Law Group, Attorneys at Law knows the importance of having a comprehensive living will. In fact, we believe there is no point to having a will if it does not articulate your exact wishes. As experienced estate management attorneys, our firm can walk you through the decision-making process involved when drawing up this important document.

Ensure that your wishes are clearly outlined and legally protected with a living will. Put DeRiso Law Group legal experience and training to work for you. We will listen to your concerns and draft a comprehensive document unique to your needs. Medical personnel and loved ones will understand your exact wishes should you become unable to communicate them.

When Should I Talk to A Lawyer About Writing a Living Will?

A living will defines your wishes for your medical treatment and quality of life concerns, safeguarding your choices. We all ask the question, “At what point in life does one need to think about a living will?” But this question is subjective, and the answer varies for each person. Your living will names your medical power of attorney, the person who will make medical decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so, in the event of:

  • serious injury
  • terminal illness
  • debilitation
  • incapacitation

… or experience any other circumstance that prevents you from making a medical decision. Your living will also gives your specific requests regarding certain “extraordinary measures” such as heart resuscitation, tube feeding, or mechanical ventilation. It can also state your thoughts on organ donation, pain management, and other serious end-of-life decisions that may arise.

At DeRiso Law Group, we believe a living will is the ultimate responsibility and a vital document for any mother, father, or spouse. Imagine how much easier your loved ones will rest knowing that they are authorized without question to speak on your behalf should you become incapacitated. Contact DeRiso Law Group, Attorneys at Law in Pittburgh to begin the process of writing your living will.

Contact Our Living Will and Estate Planning Law Firm in Pittsburgh

Put experience, proven ability and a commitment to client service behind your estate planning and probate needs. We have the experience to represent all parties, including executors, administrators and individual heirs. Whether you need guidance through the probate process, or reliable service from experienced trial attorneys, we stand ready to help you. Call our attorneys today at (412) 452-9712 to schedule a consultation or contact us online.

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