Choose An Experienced Attorney To Handle Your Support Modification
When you get a divorce and have support set up, you are expected to follow the terms of that agreement indefinitely or as ordered. If you experience a life change, you may be able to have the terms of that agreement modified. An attorney can help you get a support modification.
Can I Get A Support Modification?
Support modification are not granted in all situations. A person must prove that they are unable to meet the terms of the current agreement for a legitimate reason and be willing to accept the new terms that a judge will set. Your attorney will explain your current situation or life change to the judge and ask for a modification. Your attorney may work with you to come up with terms that you can meet or the judge may not consider your terms at all.
Can I Afford An Attorney?
If you are unable to meet the terms of your divorce agreement or are struggling, it’s well worth the cost of an attorney to come up with a solution to your problem. If you do not pay your spousal support you could face jail time and have fines added on as late fees. Your attorney will discuss your payment options and let you know what the expect at your first consultation.
Get Help With Your Spousal Support Modification Today
If you are in need of a spousal support modification, it’s time to hire an experienced and dedicated attorney to help you with your case. Let attorneys DeRiso Law Group help you get a better spousal support agreement. Call (412) 452-9712 today.