Pre and Post Marital Agreements Attorney

Let A Washington County Family Law Firm Help You With Your Pre And Post Marital Agreement

If you are planning to get married soon or have recently gotten married and want to set some terms for your marriage, contact a Washington County family law firm to help you create a marriage agreement. A marital agreement can come in handy if there are issues with your relationship or if you ever decide to file for a divorce.

Why Do I Need A Marital Agreement?

A marital agreement is meant to protect both spouses during a marriage or in the event of a divorce. It is usually created to set the terms of property, but can include many other things as well, like spousal or child custody agreements. Your family law attorney can help you decide what should be included in your agreement and help you fill out all the necessary documents.

Do I Need An Attorney To Create An Agreement?

You can work out the terms of your agreement with your spouse, but you will need an attorney to help you make the document legal. Your attorney can also help you work out any problems with your agreement and make sure both parties understand the terms before signing and filing the document.

Call A Washington County Family Law Firm Today

If you are ready to create a marital agreement before or after you get married, call family law attorneys DeRiso Law Group today for help. You should be in control of your marriage and your future, and a pre- or post-marital agreement can make that possible. Call (412) 452-9712 today.

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