Get Help With Your Drunk Driving Case In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
If you or someone you love has been arrested for drinking and driving, you could be facing a variety of charges. Drunk driving is not taken lightly in Pittsburgh and law enforcement officers will stop and investigate any suspicious drivers. The legal system delivers severe punishments for those convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or related charge. We at DeRiso Law Group have decades of experience in handling DUI cases and the constant changing laws in this area. Call DUI defense attorney in Pittsburgh who can help you with your case. Call DeRiso Law Group today.
What Is Implied Consent?
When you got your driver’s license you may not have paid attention to the paperwork you filled out. However, in order to receive your license, you agreed to implied consent. This means that if you are pulled over and the officer suspects you may be drinking and driving or impaired, you must submit to a chemical test.
What Happens If I Refuse A Test?
If you refuse to take a chemical test, you can still be arrested and you could face more severe punishment. A judge or jury is permitted to consider your refusal as an act of guilt and, since you agreed to the implied consent, you are will receive additional penaltiesfor refusing the chemical test. You will need the help of a qualified DUI defense attorney in Pittsburgh to help you fight the charges.
Get Help From An Experienced DUI Defense Attorney In Pittsburgh
If you have been arrested for a DUI and/or refused to take a chemical test, you may need the help of an experienced DUI attorney in the Pittsburgh area. Cal DeRiso Law Group today and get the help you deserve. Call (412) 452-9712 today.